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SAT Questions and Feedback
The SAT forum is the best place to go if you have questions or feedback about Khan Academy’s Official SAT Practice. TIPS: Be as descriptive as possible in your topic title for the best responses. Try searching the forum to see if your question has been posted already - if it has, upvote it and leave a comment on that thread! ***If your conversation is about SAT Coach Tools, please ask it in the "Classroom Product Questions and Feedback" forum.
**READ** How to use the SAT and Test Prep forum
Закачени31 гласове 0 коментари -
A "Guess Button" on the K.A. SAT full tests
71 гласове 6 коментари -
SAT Test Idea - Combine all wrong answers from my practice tests into an single practice SAT
40 гласове 4 коментари -
Sweet Idea: Show The % of Users Who Answered a Question Correctly
Планирани27 гласове 4 коментари -
New Idea
26 гласове 6 коментари -
I think it would be really helpful if there was a way to see how many minutes I have worked on the SAT official practice
20 гласове 1 коментар -
A "How much you've improved" statistic
20 гласове 3 коментари -
Optional timer for non-timed sections
17 гласове 2 коментари -
Projected score and score goal
14 гласове 0 коментари -
Add SAT Practice to mobile app
14 гласове 4 коментари -
Allow for drawing on figures for math problems
14 гласове 5 коментари -
Printing SAT
14 гласове 4 коментари -
Cross Out Answer Choices (make it one-click)
Планирани13 гласове 2 коментари -
Text notifications
13 гласове 5 коментари -
Feature Request: Dark Mode for SAT Practice
12 гласове 1 коментар -
Estimated SAT Score
11 гласове 2 коментари -
Make it easier to review wrong SAT questions after taking a full length SAT
11 гласове 1 коментар -
Please Add Scratch Pad for SAT MAth Portion
Планирани11 гласове 1 коментар -
Flag Questions
11 гласове 1 коментар -
Ability to take full practice tests in just one section (eg. math)
10 гласове 2 коментари -
Act test prep
9 гласове 2 коментари -
A Suggestion For Khan Academy
9 гласове 1 коментар -
Writing notes
9 гласове 1 коментар -
Make a new program on timed mini section for digital SAT
8 гласове 3 коментари -
What to do to get a high SAT score.
8 гласове 1 коментар -
Request for Khan Academy to show you a potential score or range of SAT scores based on how you've been doing in the practices
Планирани8 гласове 2 коментари -
What if Khan Academy did livestream sessions?
Планирани8 гласове 2 коментари -
Suggestion : Add an option to permanently save questions to review for later
7 гласове 2 коментари -
Add audio to SAT Prep
7 гласове 3 коментари -
Suggestions on SAT Dashboard
7 гласове 1 коментар