Не намерихте ли това, което търсите?
Нов постингКоментари: 13
Hi siddhipm07!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the addition of a feature that allows you to know the approximate duration of a course based on the length of the videos in it. We are always working to add features that improve our site, and we love getting input from our community.
I've passed your feedback along to the team and it will be part of our conversation as we plan the future of Khan Academy.
Thanks for helping improve Khan Academy! -
that doesn't solve my issue tho? I've seen one of your staff providing information on specific courses we asked for. can someone provide the time duration?
siddhipm07 Here you go!
Class 11 Biology (India): 220 videos, 35 hours
Class 11 Chemistry (India): 368 videos, 56 hours
Class 11 Physics (India): 393 videos, 56 hours
Class 12 Biology (India): 186 videos, 30 hours
Class 12 Chemistry (India): 173 videos, 26 hours
Class 12 Physics (India): 340 videos, 58 hours
Evan Lewis When you have time could you please tell me the hours of health and medicine, high school chemistry, high school biology, high school biology NGSS, high school physics, high school physics NGSS, college biology, college chemistry, and college physics that would be greatly appreciated. Same format as your reply above, thank you I'm trying to review science before I enter College soon.
3vd9 Sure thing!
Health and Medicine: 779 videos, 112 hours
High School Chemistry: 55 videos, 6 hours
High School Biology: 127 videos, 19 hours
High School Biology NGSS: 49 videos, 5 hours
High School Physics: 116 videos, 17 hours
High School Physics NGSS: 35 videos, 5 hours
AP®︎/College Biology: 185 videos, 25 hours
AP®︎/College Chemistry: 211 videos, 27 hours
AP®︎/College Physics 1: 60 videos, 1 hours
Evan Lewis are the high school courses any good? They seem really short and I'm not sure if I'd benefit much from them. I'm trying to review before College, but I'm not sure where I should learn since I don't want to behind my classmates. I'd like to know if there are any other sites or YouTube channels about Biology, Chemistry, and some Physics that can be an add on to Khan Academy. I don't believe Khan Academy would be sufficient on its own and would need additional resources and yes my goal is to essentially get a semi full education online because I did indeed forget everything. The chemistry course only has 6 hours worth of videos.. and I don't know anything about chemistry... I really need something better, same with the other courses. Anyway, thanks for responding and get back to me when you get the chance.
Evan Lewis, what about middle school biology and chemistry? And could you tell me what are the "libraries" length, and what are they meant to be used for?
Would I learn all that is needed for each of those subjects, from middle school to AP/early college, if I studied the libraries in their entirety?
Thank you!
The Brabinho There is no middle school chemistry, but middle school biology is very basic and short. Those middle school courses are just supplements and not stand alone courses. You could probably finish it in a few hours.
3vd9, If you're wanting to prepare for a college-level course, then I recommend doing the AP courses instead of the high school courses. The AP courses are similar to the high school courses content-wise, but cover additional topics and are more in-depth.
The High School NGSS courses are new and not fully completed, so the regular High School courses may be a better option for you than the NGSS versions if you don't want to do the AP courses.
The Brabinho Middle School Biology has 39 videos, 3 hours. This course is meant to be used as a supplement in a classroom setting, and not as a standalone course.
The "Library" courses are basically used as a catch-all for content for each of those subjects. So if you wanted to work through every piece of Chemistry content that Khan Academy has, this would be the place to do it. However, I suggest working through the AP courses or High School courses instead, because these courses are specifically curated to match the organization and order of a traditional early-college or High School course.
Evan Lewis Let's say I took all science courses (HS and AP College) EXCEPT earth science and took notes and studied the material, would that be equivalent of what a typical high school student would learn in school or would I know more or less than them? Also is the AP chemistry course too complicated for a beginner? The HS chemistry course seems to be too short and I'm afraid I won't have the basics down. From my understanding by taking these courses I should be college ready, correct? Just double checking, thanks.
Evan Lewis what is the total video time for AP/College Environmental Science?
pascobrianna The AP Environmental Science course has 52 videos with a total runtime of 5 hours 45 minutes. There's also 34 practice exercises, 11 quizzes, and 8 unit tests available.
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