Mr. Wheeler
Assignable Assignment Mastery
Update: Assignable Unit Mastery has arrived! Just in time for the 2023-24 school year gives us assignable unit mastery. Could we have assignable exercise and video Mastery so that we can assign ma...
How to download detailed mastery goal activity
I need to check whether students did work on a particular day that I was absent. Is there a way to download the student mastery goal activity data? I found how to down load assignment activity da...
Mastery Goals on Khan Academy App
I set up a student in my math class on his Iphone. I added him to Mastery goals that I have set up for that class. On his app, my class is shown as inactive because I have not assigned him any wo...
Activity Log Time Range - All Time
I would like to see an "all time" choice on the drop down time range menu.
Request for CASAS aligned course.
I teach mainly young adults remedial reading and math. The goal is for the students to score at at least a 9th grade level on the Form 130 CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems) Em...
Student Activity Log Page Format
I like the student assignment tab format; I can see a long list of assignments and where the student is at in doing them.I'd like the student activity log tab format to be similar. Currently it fit...
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Total activity 17
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