Alex G a ajouté un commentaire,
Commentaire officiel Hi Watjohnson, Thanks for the note and feedback, we're sorry it's caused some issues for you and your classes. In terms of recovering the grades, please submit an issue here and our team can take ...
Alex G a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi David and Jonathan, if you are still experiencing this issue, can you please submit a support ticket? https://support.khanacademy.org/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=260948
Alex G a créé une publication,
Content Update: AP/College Physics 1
Great news, we will publishing updated units for AP Physics 1 throughout the 24-25 school year! The updated units are aligned to the updated Course and Exam Description for AP Physics 1. - The upda...
Alex G a créé une publication,
Community Update: July/August 2024 Computer Programming contest winners!
🎶 Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon… 🎶 You come and go, you come and go… Sorry! Wrong Culture Club—this isn’t a Boy George sing-along...yet. I know it’s been a while, but I’m back in blac...
Alex G a créé une publication,
Content Update: Introducing Climate Project!
We are excited to announce a brand new course: Climate Project! Climate Project is a solutions-based course, which helps you see the many ways we CAN solve climate change. For instance, you’ll eval...
Alex G a créé une publication,
Content Update: Introducing hands-on science activities!
The Khan Academy science team is excited to announce that hands-on science activities are now available on Khan Academy! Our collection of free and engaging activities can be used by anyone, anywhe...
Alex G a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi Sshaner, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We discovered a bug in our platform that prevented the input() function from working correctly for some users. This issue has now been fi...
Alex G a ajouté un commentaire,
Commentaire officiel Hi Luke, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We discovered a bug in our platform that prevented the input() function from working correctly for some users. This issue has now been fixed. ...
Alex G a ajouté un commentaire,
Commentaire officiel Hi Glenn Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We discovered a bug in our platform that prevented the input() function from working correctly for some users. This issue has now been fixed. ...
Alex G a créé un article,
Les séries et niveaux arrivent !
Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! L'équipe de Khan Academy est heureuse de vous annoncer l'arrivée de deux nouvelles fonctionnalités conçues pour rendre l'apprentissage encore plus amusant et motivant :...
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Abonnements 86
Activité totale 142
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Abonnements 86