Update: New LearnStorm tracker available all year long for teachers!
We’ve heard your feedback and we’re happy to announce that LearnStorm is now available for teachers all year long!
As of August 2022, Khan Academy launched LearnStorm as a permanent tool for teachers to engage their classrooms. With LearnStorm, students get real-time feedback and master skills as they progress through LearnStorm. Together, teachers and students can celebrate when the class unlocks a new level on the interactive tracker.
The tracker also now counts mastery progress, instead of assignments. This means that, in order for your class to complete rings, they must level up on assigned skills.
There’s also no need to enroll – the LearnStorm tool is now available within your Khan Academy classes. All you have to do is log into Khan Academy, select a class and create assignments or course mastery goals. Then, check the LearnStorm tracker once your students start leveling up on mastery skills in those areas.
If you’ve used LearnStorm during previous years you know how useful it can be in driving student engagement and motivation, and if you’ve never tried LearnStorm you now have a new and fun way to visually track class progress!
Have more questions about implementing LearnStorm with your classroom(s)? Check out our article dedicated to teachers that gives tips on how to use the tracker and motivate your students.
Still not sure how to use the LearnStorm tracker? Refer to our Help Center article for a detailed step-by-step tutorial on where to find the tracker and how to use it.
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