Math content to review for Exam
Hi there, thank you for posting this content. It is greatly appreciated. I was wondering if someone could provide suggestion on content to review for a math exam I am taking at the end of May. It is an exam that is provided by the provincial engineering, geoscientist, and geophysicists (APEGA) that I need to take to get my professional designation. The course is called 2020-GFund-5 = NTExam 04-BS-1 Mathematics Calculus, Vector, and Linear Algebra: Applications involving matrix algebra, determinants, eigenvalues; first and second order linear ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms. Vector algebra; vector functions and operations; orthogonal curvilinear coordinates; applications of partial derivatives, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals; integral theorems (Gauss, Green, Stokes). Power series.
I have started taking the Differential Equations content but was wondering if you could steer me to other content that you put together.
Thank you!
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