John Kershaw
John Kershaw commented,
I run my classes on a 2 year cycle. My planning has me using Khan's (excellent) JS course in September... but if teacher tracking and/or CSV download still isn't available I may have to look elsewh...
John Kershaw commented,
Okay, 3 years on from 'the Developers have been made aware', and 'we are working one it' and 'this feature has not yet been implemented for certain courses'... I now find that, not only has 'Progre...
John Kershaw commented,
Progress tracking has always been an essential part of Khan Academy - where a traditional classroom requires kids to all be working on the same lesson simultaneously, 'Khan-style' has 20 kids doing...
John Kershaw commented,
Me too! I need this view for tracking my remote students' progress. I am blind without it!
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