流木 commented,
sherbaig207I think it would be something like:{ { -1, -4 }, { 0, -3 }, { 1, -2 }, { 2, -1 }, { 3, 0 }, { 4, 1 }, { 5, 2 } }assuming I'm reading the definition correctly as:xRy ( if and only if ) 3 ...
流木 commented,
I haven't visited this thread in quite a while, but I've been following it.I think it's time, the jig is up yo! WE NEED THIS AND SO MUCH MORE!Universities in the US are starting to realize that th...
流木 commented,
I've invited that conversation to come here and help bring this to the top of recent activity.
流木 commented,
A new request on this subject has been made here.Everyone, please go there and help bring it to the top of recent activity.
流木 commented,
Agreed, conversation on this topic can be found here
流木 commented,
Sal, we need you! I posted about this on another zendesk issue here. This is what I said: After having been a hobbyist programmer for several year, going back to school and taking up computer scien...
流木 commented,
Every user has lots of programs and whatnot in their profile. Why not just have a simple web page designer, maybe a basic spa, where each user could design their own blog? Just one per account.
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