cossine commented,
What you have typed seems to be a comment. As result you are getting no output.
cossine commented,
@Electric Doplphin, I have already given an example where the results will be different. There are more complicated scenarios where the difference will matter like when working dataframes and logic...
cossine commented,
You could use GitHub. GitHub is a code repository so you will find lots of project people have done. In addition, there will be many programs written in languages other than Python. So you can take...
cossine commented,
I think it could be slightly useful however it is not absolutely essential. Generally what I have observe is students not knowing type mathematically. Not using * for multiplication, or not using c...
cossine commented,
If you want you could a string comparision. E.g. typing: "Hello" == 'hello' will return false In order words "Hello" and "hello" are treated differently in Python. So I don't think your idea will b...
cossine commented,
Unfortunately, chatGPT is a proprietary software. In order words it costs money. That being said I don't think AI is an major game changer. The key problem of knowing what your definitions, theorem...
cossine commented,
I agree with your assessment. Maybe an alternative wording could be: Which point will point P move to when it is rotated by -90 degrees about the centre.
cossine commented,
While it is not exactly good solution you could try zooming in with crtl +. I have quick look at the practise problems and did not have any trouble telling the difference between the division sign ...
cossine commented,
You should be able to easily find YouTube videos on most math topics you are interested in. However it can definitely be worth while to have a lesson on newton's method so everything is in one place.
cossine commented,
Hi what you are describing is mistake on Khan Academy end. It is best you report question like this. There should have been button to do so. Can you please explain why the third term is 2h^2/4 whil...
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