Larry Serflaten
Feature request: Touch support on mobile devices (pinch/expand)
Touch screens support the two-fingered method of zooming in and out on a web page. That method does not work on the HTML canvas used for PJS programs. To shrink or grow a program the user must mov...
Feature Request - Project visits (views)
Each project shows how many votes it got, but that is only half the story. It would be great to know if people continue to or repeatedly view the project. For example, if you make a game, or tuto...
Tech Issue: Computer Programming browse page
The Recent tab on the Computer Programming browse page is not operating as designed. It is showing all projects where projects based on the lessons should be filtered out. More info reported here: ...
Please fix Computing Programming browsing page (Recent list)
It is very difficult to find recent computing projects using the projects browsing page. The page has a tab for Recent posts, and the listing is divided into student projects, then below that stude...
Consistent look and feel - Show Recent questions for profile Help Requests.
Clicking a Help Requests link brings us to the student's project, however the About section now shows the Questions tab instead of the Help Request tab that used to be displayed. A better solution ...
Cross-origin data error
Loading and/or using images in the JavaScript programming editor has recently been producing an error: "Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The canvas has been tainted b...
Bug Report - Programming environment - Maximum stack size NOT exceeded
A recursive runaway function that will normally error when entered directly, does not error when enclosed in an environment supplied ('special') function. Example code: mouseClicked = function(){ ...
Feedback on new CS Q/A forum
With respect to the coders and designers of the new CS question forum, there are some old features that did not get carried over, and some less than desireable new responses. RE: https://www.khanac...
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Total activity 65
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