Larry Serflaten
In addtion to tags for filtering the Browse page, there should also be a checkbox on the project page to let the programmer decide if the project should be published (added to hot list) or not. Al...
Unfortunately this has been a long standing request which has not gained the traction needed to warrent expending the resources. At one point Pamela showed how to use Google to do a search, but th...
It seems there are two pages of questions, one at the link posted above and one at: This link appears to be in the format...
- Community
- Computing Platform Community Discussions
- Consistent look and feel - Show Recent questions for profile Help Requests.
As you may have experienced, there are a few changes happening so I figured someone is currently working on the code. I thought I would get that Recent suggestion in while they are still making mo...
Thanks for the reply. Only approved images were used. I hear the KA team is aware of the problem and are working on the fix.
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- Technical Issues and Workarounds
- Bug Report - Programming environment - Maximum stack size NOT exceeded
Its not a big problem, but some student did get caught up without knowing what the error was. I won't hold my breath for the fix. Thanks for replying!
There seems to be a flagging issue using IE 11. None of the flag links I have tried have worked. I have tried several: Recent Posts questions, various comments locations, Project Help questions a...
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