Joshua Tu
Language Courses
Do you like KA? I hope so, since KA is a great school. But now the request for some new courses is going quite high. Can we have more language courses like learning Latin, Greek, French, German, Sp...
More Year Badges
We have badges for being in KA for 1, 2, 3, 4 years. But now, after 4, we can't get any! Can we get a badge for 5, 6, 7, 8, and so on? That would be very nice! Thanks! P.S. Here's some ideas: NOTE:...
New Sun Badges
Sun badges are epic. Earning them is a true challenge, and they require impressive dedication. Here is some ideas for new sun badges! I also suggest bringing back the retired ones. Currie: Achieve...
KA Shop
Can we have a have a virtual shop on KA to spend energy points or some other currencies from KA? There are those on other learning websites and I really liked them!
New Badges
Can the KA team make some more badges? I think more badges can motivate users to learn even more.
There Is A Problem With The Nice Streak Badge!
Today is a very strange day in KA, for my notifications stated that I earned 40 Nice Streaks! I didn't get 800 questions correct in a single skill in a row! Can anyone help me?
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Total activity 64
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