Joshua Tu
Well, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Duolingo too! And is LSAT Prep for 6th graders? So, bonne journné!
Yes I today earned Bristlecone (fun fact, it's around Nov 13). It's fun to earn a badge, but I was actually disappointed, because now you got to the end of the trend and there's no more badges for ...
KA already has a restart button and a try again button now, so, enjoy KA!
- Community
- Feature Requests and General Site Feedback
- The "About this unit" section should be the first, not the last
I agree. It isn't worth to see the description of the unit at the bottom, ha!
Interesting! Khan Academy nows has a restart button!!!
I gave some ideas to the KA team on these two articles: and
- Community
- News and Updates from Khan Academy
- Update: Restart the practice activity you’re working on— introducing the “Start over” link!
I see now there's a try again button too.
Yes, but I don't see it in settings. And when can this migration stop, so we can have our badges back?
Yes, like Herculean and Galileo are hidden too. They are BH badges.
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