knot126 commented,
It's really nice to see that the site is getting so many updates, kind of starting to feel like mid-2010s KA - not a bad thing. :) But to add to the debate, I think it's worth evaluating if the "ge...
knot126 commented,
G. Tarun Alright, I will do that! :)
knot126 commented,
G. Tarun To be honest, I prefer the white bar to the dark blue bar. Though I am not opposed to the bar being coloured, I think the dark blue wasn't really the best choice of colour. Plus, I think t...
knot126 commented,
Laurie-KA Thanks! Also, on another minor note, I initially thought the arrow was to move to the last video. Perahps the team could consider adding a tooltip to that explain that the arrow collapses...
knot126 commented,
G. Tarun Some of the issues I have mention have bothered me since I've first seen them, but it's only now that it really bothers me enough to complain. The "assign" button - with the navy backgroun...
knot126 commented,
I'm not staff, but I believe that only some parts of the website are open source, the most notable components being Presus (extercise display and grading) and the "Live Editor" from the CS extercis...
knot126 commented,
I actually like this overall! But I think there are a few problems: Having the video and assignment title above the content also distracts from the actual content itself and provides less effectiv...
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