Legolas Greenleaf
I am a passionate learner, artist and writer who sees in Khan Academy an amazing way to help people around the globe to learn skills they will use later on in life in their careers. I love helping people and will be more active on the Help Center answering what questions I can. My dream on KA is to become a Guardian and help out around KA in that way.
KA Guardian system--improvements
Hey there, Many of the older members of the KA computing platform know who I am, but some of the more recent additions to the community may be less aware of who I am so I'll give a quick introducti...
Bring back JS contests!
Ever since Pamela left, there haven't really been any contestsfor JavaScript. Could Khan Academy please add a Guardian or somehow let the coommunity handle contests? I know I and many others would ...
Pamela Fox Badge
PlannedI would like to request that Khan Academy make a new meteorite badge. Today (April 18, 2017) is the last day of Pamela Week, which was a week-long event on the programming community that I hosted i...
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Total activity 170
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Following 13 users
Followed by 20 users
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