ChrisRennick56 commented,
Update: Good news!! On a lark I tried the missions one last time and after doing the skill I had exited on earlier, the missing skill finally popped in. I guess they fixed the problem -- Thanks E...
ChrisRennick56 commented,
Just delete the bogus skill. KA deletes skills all the time. And why was this skill added just before the take down of the Missions? I was at 100% mastered before I happened to check the mission...
ChrisRennick56 commented,
One place where one can see a minus sign used as a superscript is in chemistry where it denotes a negative charge on an ion. For example, a positive Sodium ion and a negative Chlorine ion can combi...
ChrisRennick56 commented,
Now that I'm using the new interface a bit more I really do not like it. Here's why: 1) the programming window and canvas no longer use the full width of the display. I looked at an old program of ...
ChrisRennick56 commented,
The answer provided a couple of days ago is quite correct. I just wanted to add that the problem appears to be leading you to recognize the common factor in "telescoping" functions. In general th...
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