lightsecond commented,
I found another picture graph with the same dead zones. Location: 3rd grade Unit: Represent and interpret data Picture graphs Article: Creating picture graphs Close to the middle of the page, i...
lightsecond commented,
Maybe this issue could be closed. Because I haven’t been able to find the exercise in the screenshots above. That plot might have been replaced in the latest version of Khan Academy 7.1.0 The e...
lightsecond commented,
It would be easier if there were visible undo and redo buttons. But it is possible to undo and redo in the iOS app when the scratchpad is open. Swipe three fingers: - To the left, Undoes the last a...
lightsecond created a post,
iOS: Numbers become stuck when they are dragged
In the exercise: Convert to Roman numerals It's located in: Arithmetic (all content) Unit: Place value Roman numerals Sometimes when trying to drag a number, then the dragged number become stoc...
lightsecond created a post,
iOS: Completed lesson indicator not applied until the video page is reopened
Khan Academy version 7.0.2 (34973)iOS 13.7iPhone X The completed lesson indicator (blue circle and a white check mark) is not added to lesson until the video page is closed and reopened. On a video...
lightsecond created a post,
iOS, correct answer sound plays in silent mode
Khan Academy Version 7.0.2 (34973)iOS 13.7iPhone X The physical silent mode switch on the top left side of an iphone, doesn't work after watching a video. The sound effect that plays after a correc...
lightsecond commented,
And here's one where the drop down list appears to the right of the screen and when one swipes left to scroll the list into view then the drop down list closes. While testing this, I noticed that ...
lightsecond commented,
Here's another exercise with a similar issue:
lightsecond commented,
Here's another exercise with the same issue:
lightsecond created a post,
Numbers cut off, to narrow text width
Khan Academy version 7.0.2 (34973) iOS 13.7 iPhone X Numbers are only partially visible: The text width is to narrow, because the numbers can be swiped to the left to show the cut off numbers.
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