No. It is not currently possible to transfer progress from one account to another account.
See The badge you mention is one of the most common group of badges users think they have earned, but haven...
I'm guessing you mean quadrilateral. You can break up the word: quad - 4 lateral - side So it's a closed figure with four sides.
This seems to be a question which relates to plagiarism, copyrights, and academic honesty. For copyright, the owner of the copyright can give away the rights to copy to anyone, including both with...
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- Anyone else about ready to give up on Khan Academy?
Welcome John, Your post was excellent. I was considering posting something very similar myself. I have used Khan Academy with students and seen the frustration of missing out on getting to pract...
It would also be nice to be able to recommend skills that aren't attached to a specific mission.
This actually leads to some interesting areas. Prime numbers are crucial because they are the building blocks of math as we know it. There is no formula known for finding a prime number. There a...
Official comment You can always add your tips to the tips and thanks section for the documentation on relevant commands. Turning documentation into a wikipedia-like structure has the hazards that people could chan...
Official comment - Community
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- I am not able to surf internet all the time on my laptop. So, is there any software that I can use to write programs and run them using JavaScript?"
There are a number of companies that provide programs to write code in different languages including Javascript. You can do a search and find what possibilities exist and find one that works with ...
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