Lisa Krueger
Hello Jenna! This is currently a hot debate with the users as well as the developers. To keep up on all things Khan try visiting the New and Updates page. Please let me know if you have any further...
- Community
- Classroom Product Questions and Feedback
- How change due dates on many assignments as a batch all at once?
Hello Dr. Marten! The feature that you are describing is something that many, many, many users have requested and I know that the Khan developers are aware of the requests. Unfortunately, I have no...
- Community
- Classroom Product Questions and Feedback
- Alphabetize Student Names (sort class roster by last name)
Hello Elizabeth! This is a feature that many, many, many users have requested over the years. I've upvoted your post and hopefully others will too. Thank you for posting.
Hello Sam! Just following up on this issue. I did forward it to the internal thread and was told that the developers were looking into the issue. Please let me know if you have any further question...
Hello Kathy! That has not been an issue at my school, but I did have students not following the recommended skills and instead scrolling down to the bottom and randomly clicking on the skills. I ex...
- Community
- Classroom Product Questions and Feedback
- Please vote to add a BULK EDIT feature for assignments
Hello @csrolf! This is a request many, many, many users have stated would be beneficial. You are correct that up voting this thread could help it gain traction; as well as having users Submit a req...
Hello @gkisling! Our school went through a similar issue last year and I found the following resource - Allow Khan Academy Videos While Keeping YouTube Blocked - that was very helpful. Hopefully it...
- Community
- Classroom Product Questions and Feedback
- suggestions for class feature (add ability to message students and post notes on assignments)
Hello Heather! You are not alone in your request - many, many, many other users have made similar statements. I do know that the Khan developers are aware of these requests, but I have no idea when...
Hello @amelsayed44! Could you please be more specific? That problem are you experiencing? What are you trying to log out of? Hopefully I can be of some help. Thank you for posting.
Hello Elena! The site can be reached at and click Login then you should see the window below here you can enter a username and password. Please let me know if you have ...
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