Inger Hohler
Hi Maazin, I've voted up your question, because IGCSE is important to many students outside the US - and you are far from the first to request this feature. For greater impact it's better to vote u...
Hi Iceninja880, the criteria for earning the black hole badges are supposed to be secret. That's why you are not likely to get an answer to your question - and if someone does answer you there is a...
Thank you for sharing the idea. If this technology is being installed in classrooms that definitely makes it more interesting to KA. Please remember to vote it up if you agree with the suggestion! ...
Hi Ansonle, When an SQL database is set up, you have to define how large space to set apart for each cell in the virtual spreadsheet. For all practical purposes there is a limit to how many energy ...
Hi GameChief, thanks for taking the time to consider these issues.The trouble is, I must ask you to make one request pr. issue! If people vote up your request now, it is not clear if they support a...
Khan Academy does not have the functionality to reset the progress on an account. It's a fairly common feature request, but there's a practical problem that needs to be resolved first. You can imag...
Hi Arjun, if you have questions about anything discussed in videos or articles or video talk throughs you should be able to ask questions under the teaching material in a box with he title Ask a qu...
Hi Simon, I just thought I'd add this: Don't fail to vote up the earlier suggestion to make an IB math mission for KA! I'm sure your initiative would be popular with a number of students, and it ...
Hi Dominic, thanks for sharing you view. Could you please vote up an earlier request for the same? It's easier for the employees to count votes on one request, than to search for all requests for t...
Hi Katrina, there already is a Grammar section, still being built! As for spelling I don't know of any plans yet, but as KA is a dynamic web site with new material being added to it every year it's...
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