I love books, dragons, coding, math, the number 13, and Jesus most of all.
Wingfeather commented,
Um.... what's the ka completionist?
Wingfeather commented,
Cool! Some other fun facts about those badges: Tesla was a real man, he was a brilliant scientist who made enormous discoveries about and amazing inventions with electricity. Artemis and Atlas are ...
Wingfeather commented,
Yeah, some computers even just say that an arbitrary number is infinity if it's large enough.
Wingfeather commented,
That is completely true, except for one point. The infinity symbol is not technically a number; it would have to be stored as text, and therefore cannot have mathematical operations performed on it...
Wingfeather commented,
I stand corrected about Artemis and Atlas. I did not know that the Khan Team had confirmed them. However, I am fairly sure that Is Sal is completely unattainable, and furthermore, that Sal does not...
Wingfeather commented,
Actually, the only one we know for sure is Tesla, because people have actually gotten it. Artemis and Atlas are still under debate. And Is Sal is not infinity energy points; it's completely unattai...
Wingfeather commented,
It would also be nice for more customizable features, and for higher-level badges and avatars to shoot for. I've earned every avatar and almost every badge, and have lost a lot of motivation to kee...
Wingfeather commented,
I agree; I've gotten every avatar and almost every badge, and it'd be nice to have something new to shoot for.
Wingfeather commented,
Yeah, so many of the badges were taken off; most of them for seemingly no reason. It would be great to have them back!
Wingfeather commented,
Jwtg master 07 did not say those four badges were retired; he just said he had them, along with three other retired badges.
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