My name is unanimous .I like History, Physics and Teeeeech. I love helping other people and trying to learn as much as I can in this Life. I am in 8th grade and want to be a carpenter. I hate Fortnight, first person shooter games, millennials, Biden, and Beets..............Bye.
`Wow!That is great I just started the grammar course so that should make it even more enjoyable. Although it was amazing even before the updates(not that it still is).😃
Here are some links to the examples I remember. I might just be crazy but please look into it please. Select most recent and scroll down a little bit and you will find what I am talking about. ...
I agree. When I do stuff like posting comments I keep having to refresh. Also I would prefer the default option for sorting posts was "most recent" because most people would prefer not to comment/a...
Glad I could help. I was not aware that having custom avatars was a Safety risk, thanks for clearing that up. -Sincerely Phoenician_Warrior
Also I keep having a bug that when I put a photo in my profile (this one) it resets when I come back the next day.
I think it is because of the font on your computer.I had the same problem,then I changed the font to default (with help from the Khan Team) and it fixed everything.
I agree with the others (I may seem like a new learner but I was locked out of my old one so i made a new one).I miss the background and the new avatars aren't that great.The new avatars are ...
But how long will you be doing this?What I mean to say is when will these updates be finished?
I can't wait to see the results!
What is the R2000 for? I would help you but I'm only in the beginning of 7th grade so this might be to complex for me to solve.
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