Matt Nguyen
Matt Nguyen commented,
I think AAshkanD is asking when we should round to the nearest ten or hundred
Matt Nguyen commented,
Start over. Step one, update the apple function. Step 2, write the cherry function ONLY. Step 3, update the main function.
Matt Nguyen commented,
So in step 2 you are supposed to just define the function, and then step 3 add it in the main code.
Matt Nguyen commented,
You are supposed to apply the cherry function into the main function in step 3. Delete it and add it back in step 3. Minor improvements: 1. In the apple function, you can just use the parameter its...
Matt Nguyen commented,
Did you write all the other functions? They seem to have problems.
Matt Nguyen commented,
@Electric Doplphin But using PrInT("hello") won't work while print("hello") does
Matt Nguyen commented,
Although Dark Reader can solve the problem on most websites, it also sometimes mess up some colors (such as the menu bar or the annotation) and a built-in dark mode is still better.
Matt Nguyen created a post,
Test mode
Concept: Add a test mode to exercises Have you ever felt depressed after answering a question wrong? With test mode, that depress will go away (at least until you submit the work). Test mode is des...
Matt Nguyen created a post,
Whenever I open to see my badges, I always see this: (My connection is very strong)
Matt Nguyen created a post,
Can I change the programming language to Python in my account?
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