When I went to vote up this program: https://khanacademy.org/computer-programming/wildform-game/5889458185355264 (when it was on 99 votes), I got the "There have been too many requests to this page...
Yes, I did receive an error message when I tried to vote up the programs the other day. The one that says "too many requests", or something similar. At the time they had 48 & 47 votes. Also, why do...
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- how do i view the exact date when i joined khan academy (rather than just seeing X years ago?
Evan Lewis Could you please check what date my account was created? Thanks!
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Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 The same thing happened to me. I've made similar comments on many plagiarized projects before, but I never realised that it wasn't allowed (there was nothing in the guidelines ...
Okay. Thank you for the clarification!
Okay. I have submitted a support ticket.
It would be cool if you could search for programs by title/date created/author nickname on KA. Like Willard's website (offsite). :)
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