Alan commented,
I'm using Edge and I tried FireFox & Internet Explorer and it doesn't work there either. I'm guessing everyone is having this problem, and assumes there are no more comments, or maybe it's some sor...
Alan created a post,
Tips & Thanks Bug
I have noticed that the "Show more comments" button at the bottom of the tips & thanks is gone. I'm not sure if support is already aware but no one has posted about this here yet. So yeah, only the...
Alan commented,
Dark Owl Haha I was just gonna post that. To everyone else, Del means delete, and if step 2 doesn't work, click the three dots at the end of the KA URL and go to settings, then go to clear browsin...
Alan commented,
Haha same thing is happening to me, thanks for posting this Hunter. Ima go get some energy points in algebra now 🤣
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