YokieBob commented,
Yes, the KA developers for the editor replace "let" and "const" with var (handling errors by hand), and eval the modified code. They also do other "post-processing" to your code such as changing th...
YokieBob created a post,
Adding courses from users, specifically for the programming section.
I was wondering if it was possible to add another course where people can put in their own course ideas and content, and then the guardians could run through the material and edit it for clarity or...
YokieBob commented,
We can use those in es6 if you put //jshint esnext:true at the top
YokieBob commented,
Spin-offs are broken now too... It doesn't show the original and goes automatically to the pjs environment/editor.
YokieBob commented,
Oh noes is a bit like a little brother. Tells you the truth most of the time, also likes to point out what you did wrong. After you get used to him he's fine, and can be extremely helpful.
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