custom profile pics go brrrrr? nope I help bugtest Dat's games. Currently, trying to get help with the comments broken glitch.
HB_the_Pencil commented,
It seems to kind of work off and on. Sometimes I can access threads, sometimes I can't
HB_the_Pencil commented,
HSstudent16 The discussion side of things is fixed (at least for now). Still waiting on qa_expand_key and recent projects list.
HB_the_Pencil commented,
Yes, but until then I was thinking to use this as a discussion board. Would that be a bannable offense?
HB_the_Pencil created a post,
Discussing program bugs in support
Because comments are currently broken, would I be banned for talking about program bugs on this site instead? I don't want to do something that I'm not allowed to, but I am an unofficial bugtester ...
HB_the_Pencil commented,
He edited his comment saying that they broke again. I don't know what to do, because I don't want to get banned for starting a thread here...
HB_the_Pencil commented,
I started a thread yesterday. Can't access it today. It only had like 8 comments in it this morning... I'm guessing because I can't actually see said comments. I might try moving the discussion thr...
HB_the_Pencil created a post,
Program comments and notification list broken
Every time I click on a notification, it takes me to the program only. It no longer opens the comment (making sub threads useless). In addition to this, as of yesterday I cannot see threads that we...
HB_the_Pencil commented,
I go to public school, and I still don't like the new change. Timothy #Aviconazul, that just means that it's not only homeschoolers who dislike the change. I miss the backgrounds, and they seriousl...
HB_the_Pencil commented,
I completely agree with mbonka and ag_sucour572. This is a pointless update, and I miss the backgrounds. Maybe don't get rid of the new avatars, but please bring back the old backgrounds.
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