RazzRack commented,
I'm against killing the social interaction part of the Khan coding section. A lot of people here are looking to code as a hobby rather than a full career so with out the community they might just n...
RazzRack commented,
I haven't been able to load any projects since yesterday
RazzRack commented,
I've put this somewhere else, but I have a suggestion. If they can't get there projects back lets all band our subpages together and rally up people who want to help them with remaking old projects...
RazzRack commented,
Why do you think they did it, ransomware? Just because they can and they wan't to feel power? Stealing kid's coding projects is such an evil thing to do. Also in these past few days I've seen some...
RazzRack commented,
I would much prefer 1 new OG stile evolvable avatar to eight or even 20 of the new ones. I like avatars that take some time to earn and ones that can level up. I would have much more interest in a...
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