Blue Leaf
Blue Leaf commented,
Blue Leaf commented,
oh lol. then maybe you should learn it on khan academy. You can start with the JS or HTML courses. I started with the JS courses but only because i didn't know what HTML was xD
Blue Leaf commented,
Blue Leaf commented,
Blue Leaf commented,
Blue Leaf commented,
oh wait its not wiki fandom but here:
Blue Leaf commented,
they do have a wiki page i think let me show you
Blue Leaf commented,
yeah that contest is old. The current khan academy contest is archaeological dig. It actually ended 2 days ago and we are waiting for the results and the new contest
Blue Leaf commented,
no its not an official khan academy contest. Its hosted by a KA user. The avatars are like the team's mascot
Blue Leaf commented,
cool! i wanna join the team that has the people who don't go inactive and abandon their team. In the TPT most of my team didn't do anything except like 5 people
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