DOM in the Processing.js enviroment
Hey so I know it is not allowed to use DOM to use google fonts in the Processing.js environment. So is all of DOM banned or just using it to use google fonts? (When I say using DOM I mean in the P...
I'm not getting the Cypress badge
Hello. My Khan Academy account says I've been on Khan Academy for one year: Unfortunately, I didn't get the Cypress badge yet. The Cypress badge requires you to be on Khan Academy for one year to ...
Random Flag
So someone on Khan Academy's little brother flagged me for no reason so can you not send me a guardian warning?
Program hidden from hotlist
Why is my program hidden from the hotlist? I have the khan academy extension and it tells me if my program is hidden from the hotlist or not. Here is a screenshot of it: blob:chrome-untrusted://med...
Is it allowed to add sound files from Wikipedia on khan academy programs?
Is it allowed to add sound files from wikipedia on khan academy programs just like its allowed to get images from wikipedia and put it in a program you make. If so then how?
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