navraha1 commented,
Thank you Carol! I'm glad thoughts are being heard. =D A note on the all education part (I don't have reactions to the GO part), I think having this as more exceptional support for math doesn't nec...
navraha1 commented,
Some small bit of messages you have there! XD
navraha1 commented,
Happy new year! <3 I will add/suppose that a problem with "just picking another color or image" is that we either have something which isn't for everbody (like what we have now), or it has to b...
navraha1 commented,
I think a difficulty in adding the world of math is sorting. Like it has been said, it is very structured and standard right now, and for me personally it's similar enough to the textbook. I also t...
navraha1 commented,
I'm back again. And even more excessively long than last time. This is a surprisingly active thread for being 8 months old and it astonishes me seeing more people finding the page as an outlet to p...
navraha1 commented,
CodeSplash [BIO] That's great because they disagree with each other =D (sorry it's funny to see people still commenting here and I felt like responding today)
navraha1 commented,
They're certainly listening. There's just higher priorities for now, and as I've said, hopefully they can bring it back after those priorities have happened and their issues resolved. Maybe "#B...
navraha1 commented,
We seem to be in another wave of people suddenly noticing that something and searching here to vent out. Please remember to be respectful =] I know this can be hard and when I had my mission algori...
navraha1 commented,
TotallyAwesomeGuy Interesting that you called out djscott specifically, since it's a usual trend (which I have contributed to myself when missions were removed =\). If djscott wants to leave KA the...
navraha1 commented,
Batuhan #BringBackBackgrounds They don't fit in with the other avatars because they're not meant to. They fit in the the rest of the new design for the site, so there is distinction between the t...
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