I found this was an issue for me as well. A lot of changes going on right now. I’m sure the devs are aware of all issues and are fixing them right now.
Is it a paid position? It would really help out as I'm planning on getting Chick-Fil-A tomorrow.
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- This is just something I realised about the programming community
As a user of the programming community, I can admit this is me sometimes. Most of this is my competitive side showing, wanting to constantly learn new things to be the best. For some people (such a...
Webpage should also only play sounds in response to user interaction Background music and other sound can be safely implemented by informing the user that the program uses sound, and ask if they ...
I wouldn’t call this the end. The fact that the extension is working could mean they are going to work on it more later. They had many 403 security errors upon reading the console, which could be a...
Neat idea! I feel like this would put the community more "out there" in terms of programming contests as a whole, and expose ourselves to more people who are trying to learn.
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The qa_expand_key query parameter does not work as it used to, at least while the developers are working on some new API changes. As such, the qa_expand_key query parameter, and related queries are...
Just as a reassurance to anyone, if you have the KA extension, the comment system is still working. I am not sure about the inner workings of the extension, but the fact that the comments are still...
How the current API works (surface-level): There is a set of data offered by Khan Academy that is available through the front-end. We can make JSONP requests with callbacks to use this data in the ...
a program which voices the same idea can be found here: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/addmoresounds-a-digital-campaign/5332285115121664
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