Emma commented,
Yeh it's all over on every video, i know for a fact a lot of these accounts are bots too because they aren't doing anything they aren't doing any of the practise problems or anything in any of the ...
Emma commented,
Thanks for checking it out, it was just starting to get a bit annoying lol they seem to do it more to answers that get more upvotes or longer answers or comments which you can't always explain thin...
Emma created a post,
Clean up the Bots off KA
There's an ever increasing number of Bots on KA that keep replying with nonsense and demeaning any answers i've left and i've already flagged several of these comments in the last couple of months ...
Emma commented,
I'm not a teacher or anything but i've seen it all back in my school days they tried so many things lol none of which worked on most of us. It's more to remember than simply remembering that your 9...
Emma commented,
I guess it's just meant for adding what stuff you're currently working on and will be working on for a while, i've just got Early Math and Arithmetic stuff added to it, however being an adult learn...
Emma commented,
Well i'm saying seeing PEMDAS earlier helps prepare you for those concepts if you see it earlier on before that, in fact i did here on KA when it used to be with the 3rd Grade stuff in the "More on...
Emma commented,
It gives you what multiplication sums they are when you use your fingers as you use the sequence of numbers, you don't need a specific answer at all you're just using the sequence of numbers to hel...
Emma commented,
It's easier to just look at the number patterns in your times tables... on the right hand side of your numbers there's a repeating 5 digit number pattern for the 2, 4, 6, and 8 times tables which h...
Emma commented,
Got no problem with that because once i got to the harder stuff i've no longer been on KA as much anymore because i have to look in other places online to find information since KA may not have it ...
Emma commented,
Hmm i know some people have been requesting this for a long time but the quizzes and unit tests just get too much after early math, if you just remove them people of all ages can then just stay foc...
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