Yeah, my notifs are still broken. Maybe they should beef up their cybersecurity around this issue.
It seems like someone decides when & where the bots spam....
Thanks for the update, Warren. I think that the stark blue-and-white contrast may look nice, so maybe you can try that. Also, have the Developers discussed my idea about letting some of the promine...
Well, Laurie @KA, I have an idea. What if you have some of the prominent coders help with the site? It would be a great learning option for them, it would help ease the workload on you guys, and...
I just want people to know that the removal of backgrounds wasn't an accident, and have people visibly show their support of backgrounds :)
#BringBackBackgrounds Add this to your username to show your support to bring the backgrounds back, or as I said earlier, our wallpapers to our rooms.
Well, I believe that the community thinks that the background to their profile is akin to the wallpaper of their room. Now imagine that one day, you wake up, and the walls of your room are just a s...
Yea boi, hehehe...
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- Content update: new World History Project - 1750 course
Awesome! I am already doing this course on KA.
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