sheondev commented,
10 = 1010 in binary terms 10 = A in hexidecimal terms 10 is just a point on the spectrum from infinity ...8...9...10...11...infinity. 10 is meaningful in terms on base 10 calculations. Th...
sheondev commented,
1. When using the basket reference what should be done is (8+Infinity) - (8+ Infinity)= Infinity. It is more outlandish to think (8+0) - (8+0) = 0. Think of the colors on the electromagnetic spe...
sheondev commented,
The apples still exist. They are just not in the basket. This is my point. I can see people making arguments to fit what has been the convention but the conventional use of mathematics is flawed....
sheondev created a post,
AnsweredTHERE IS NO SUCH THING AS '0'. Only infinity. Numbers are not linear(represented by a number line) but circular with infinity as a point. Number addition and subtraction are done in relation to...
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