BandB25 commented,
I am very disappointed with your decision to remove streaks on Khan Academy. the widget doesn't even have to appear on the homepage. Hopefully, you can reverse your decision.
BandB25 commented,
Glad to hear this! Do you know what science courses are currently being developed?
BandB25 commented,
Please add this! The Khan Academy Community is begging you.
BandB25 commented,
Regina Litman I believe Chemistry Library and 'Chemistry' are the exact same thing. No changes have been made, so there shouldn't be a problem with progressing through it.
BandB25 commented,
Will Khan Academy add a HS Chemistry course in the future?
BandB25 commented,
Do y'all know when these badges are coming back?
BandB25 commented,
Will Khan Academy release another AP World History course? If not, would you recommend learning from the regular World History course or the World History Project course? Thanks!
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