Red Arrow ✝
I didn't read all the comments here, but there seems to be a general theme – avatars are kind of cool, but backgrounds should not have been removed. And I have to agree. Let's be honest, profiles l...
I agree with Legolas Greenleaf, Willard, and William W. | 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 About 7 or 8 months ago, I was banned for an unknown reason. Tbh it stressed me out a lot, and I spent a lot of time trying to figure ...
In your user profile, there is a section titled "Showcase" Under that, after your showcase badges, are your "User Statistics" - which includes the date you joined. It should look something like this:
Actually, many people including myself have been banned without a warning. And yes, you're right, but many people don't know how to appeal (read the first part of @EnderHaven's comment, where he ha...
I agree with Ruby Phoenix. I think that if the user has made a minor infraction, then the guardian should give them a warning instead of automatically banning them. This does happen in some cases, ...
You can always wait a hour, or whatever the time limit is, and vote again then :)
Oh-Noes will only come up when a for loop is taking too long to run, which can usually easily be fixed. Check your code for any bugs that may be running, and also for infinite loops. And also, try ...
Quinn Hardbrook I got the same message. It didn't seem to bother me, except for the part that asked me to delete my comment on the question. Like you said, that was impossible, considering as the c...
To be honest, this isn't a great place to post questions on programs that you're working on. Khan Academy has a way for you to do that with out even having to leave the tab. To ask for help on a pr...
Could be for something like that, or to prevent users from spam voting every program on the hotlist.
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Total activity 78
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