Take a look at my Khan Academy profile here: https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/vedbat10/
vedbat10 commented,
I'm actually quite sad that KA has retired these badges, but I don't blame them because they are moving to the new Python version as their website language. I really hope that Khan Academy re-intro...
vedbat10 commented,
That's not supposed to happen. Just type "khanacademy.org/youcanlearnanything" in your browser and you will go to the appropriate page.
vedbat10 commented,
I feel your pain. If these badges wouldn't have retired, I would have at least 10 more badges already.
vedbat10 commented,
I think so. More than wanting retired badges to be replaced, I want the retired badges to be re-introduced. I managed to earn a few retired badges before they were retired, but it was such a shock...
vedbat10 commented,
Yes, you can become a Guardian. To find out more, check out this article. If you want to become a Guardian (only people above the age of 16 can become a Guardian), apply via the Khan Academy Guardi...
vedbat10 commented,
Yes, there were also Challenge Patches for completing Math units.
vedbat10 commented,
Here's what you have to do: Nice Listener, Great Listener, Awesome Listener & Act I Scene I - it doesn't necessarily have to be a single video You Can Learn Anything - click here Thumbs Up, Th...
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