BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
The reason you can't post is because KA has a rate-limiting system to prevent spammers.
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
There's a "Help Requests" section under your project, you could ask a question there. There are many qualified people who look for new help requests and answer them.
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
Aaditya Barai sorry for being 6 months late, but if you use the "Extension for Khan Academy" if you mouse over your account creation date you can get it precisely
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
maybe you could press the "check for new badges and avatars" button if you haven't already?
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
Really good suggestion! It's worth noting that plagiarism from other websites, such as Codepen, is a big problem. Also, there's a chance crafty copiers might plagiarize from hidden and/or deleted p...
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
The only black hole badge that is possible to get is "Tesla", which awards no energy points. You get it by earning 10,000,000 energy points.
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
If it's a first-time ban you can just ask: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8sOJPtzuYKxO12juR-G_7hFJXW-Jkt_zLD3JxMg3FuGvX5w/viewform
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
On devices with smaller screens, such as Chromebooks, the save-button is there, just not visible. If you press Ctrl and then "-" you'll be able to zoom out slightly and reveal the save button. hope...
BBB# ™3221hslawc commented,
If he knows the password and username (or e-mail if he has none), he can login on a different computer.
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