Everything Thrice
Took a break to avoid all the...clutter recently. I plan to release a short story post here soon.
Everything Thrice commented,
Everything Thrice commented,
Lets all be proficient in those skills so they will keep them since they show that they are still being used.
Everything Thrice commented,
I knew a teacher with a similar problem, the trick was to simply assign and grade only one set of the assignments and ''no count'' the other set of assignments.
Everything Thrice commented,
Everything Thrice commented,
"Just close your eyes when watching a video to have the same effect.'' -Sam IV
Everything Thrice commented,
Which category would the test be in?
Everything Thrice commented,
I am referring to when Alex said "You guys can be haters and say no" and explaining that people are not ''haters'' because they disagree with your idea.
Everything Thrice commented,
They will probably bring them back in the future once they clear up all the coding issues people were talking about.
Everything Thrice created a post,
Adding a language learning course.
Khan academy, if the don't have it already, should add a course or two on learning another language. To either help those to learn a required language ( those working on English or Spanish) or just...
Everything Thrice commented,
Maybe add the topics under the course ''Health and Medicine''?
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