MHMFuzzy commented,
What does it define as an error? Is it simply when Oh-Noes would pop up, or is it more complicated than that?
MHMFuzzy created a post,
PJS Oh Noes Detection
Is there a way to detect when Oh Noes pops up? I'm asking, so that I may use `println` to paste save data in the event of a program crash, in order to allow users to retain save data even if somet...
MHMFuzzy commented,
Thanks, I'll be sure to try that out.
MHMFuzzy created a post,
Scroll bar to the right of the program window?
For some reason, a scroll bar, like the one you see on the right side of your screen right now, takes up the fifteen rightmost pixels of the program window. It not only gets in the way of viewing ...
MHMFuzzy commented,
How many users achieved the "Leonid" badge?
MHMFuzzy created a post,
Off-site links
I heard someone say that putting off-site links in `println()` isn't allowed. Is this true? And if so, why? I can see numerous reasons as to why it would be useful. ie. linking sources, helpful...
MHMFuzzy created a post,
PJS disabled functions
There are numerous things on KA that don't work, yet are still a part of PJS. Such as `sphere()`, `box()`, `let`, `float`, and `void`. This is a small list. Why don't these work? Is it becaus...
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