Ruby Phoenix [inactive]
Teen. Homeschooler. 8th grader. I've learned how to build Android apps, but I'm not sure that's the career path I want to take. I love web development. I'm pro-Android/Windows. I love to read, and I love (almost all kinds of) math. I like Java, Python, and HTML/CSS. I'm not too good at pjs, but I can use JS in websites. Currently learning WordPress.
The official processing.js website no longer exists
The processing.js docs on Khan Academy (here) has a link at the bottom that used to lead to the official documentation. Now, it takes you to the GitHub repository for the website (here), because pr...
Can't child account projects be evaluated?
Recently, a question was posted by a user asking if there was a way to speed up the evaluation process. When I went to their profile see their projects, I found their Project: Fish Tank. The "evalu...
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Total activity 57
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Following 1 user
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