Quinn Hardbrook
One of the favorite topics on KACC lol I do my best, but others can judge. I specialize in web design and PJS funerals.
As Shipment suggested, this is likely intentional. While the KA devs are updating the API, certain features may stop working for a while. Not having forums is preferable to having broken forums. I’...
Vexcess, it might benefit those in this thread greater if they were only given the useful information, rather than completely unrelated and insulting personal opinions on the Khan Academy dev team ...
You can’t create an API on Khan Academy. Look into NodeJS and ExpressJS on Replit.
- Community
- Computing Platform Community Discussions
- Khan Academy API | How can we have a user send a message into a thread?
There certainly are methods, but they are not allowed or intended to be used. Imagine if anyone could make anyone else post anything anywhere! We have enough problems on KA as it is with malicious ...
"To ensure that the webpages you create on Khan Academy will continue working in the future, they should not use functionalities intentionally disabled for reasons of security, privacy, or user exp...
Correction, you are able to use limited ES6. Because of KA's "live" update, some features such as top level const. In addition, the PJS environment can't use ES6 at all, to my knowledge. That being...
I think they'd need an editor update first.
No, I am trying to tell you the Guardians don't consider it controversial. Regardless of your ideals, opinions, and beliefs, that makes LGBTQIA+ not the problem. As you said, "there are many other ...
VEXCESS #BringBackBackgrounds, actually, that's not how KA intended the guidelines to be interpreted, I believe. Evan Lewis said in the post I linked to above While I can’t go into any specific mo...
Hey there! In situations like these, I believe the best course of action is to flag silently. You can also submit a support ticket about the issue in extreme situations.I had a similar post during ...
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