AD Baker
AD Baker commented,
There are only so many people monitoring. Why make more work for them?
AD Baker commented,
I cannot speak for Khan Academy, but, as someone who answers a lot of Community Questions, I would say that this is not a good idea. I see a lot of nonsense posted by users who want to get badges f...
AD Baker commented,
The Simple Snowman Challenge is the third part of Lesson 2 in the Intro to JS course:
AD Baker commented,
If you are comfortable with the concepts and definitions and are just having trouble with the questions themselves, it would be a good plan to review as many practice exams as you can to get famili...
AD Baker commented,
The only one who can really answer this is you. High School courses are typically designed to last about 10 months with 4 - 5 hours of classroom time per week. If you review is going well, with s...
AD Baker commented,
If you believe you have completed the Simple Snowman Challenge correctly and you are still having trouble, please report the issue to the Help Center:
AD Baker commented,
On KA pages, in the header, in the upper-left corner is a link labeled "Courses." Click the down arrow. A list of KA courses, organized by subject, will appear. Scroll down. The lower-right sec...
AD Baker commented,
For Step 1 of the Wordiest Author Challenge, you only need one SELECT statement. Your second statement here looks correct, except it is missing the final ; Try deleting the first statement and se...
AD Baker commented,
3^2 is the same as 1(3^2). Does it make more sense if we add this step? 3(3^2) + 3^2 = 3(3^2) + 1(3^2) = (3 + 1)(3^2) = 4(3^2) = 36
AD Baker commented,
It's a little hard to say without knowing what you have already studied, but you may want to try the following: Prealgebra: Algebra I: https...
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