Steve Nelson
I teach at Roadstead Montessori High School. My school is quite small and I cover many subjects. I teach: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2/Trig, Precalculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science. I have a background in software and electrical engineering.
Steve Nelson created a post,
Add the Libraries to the edit courses
I have requested this feature almost every year for the last 5 years. I'll try again. PLEASE add the full Biology Library, Chemistry Library and Physics Library to the "edit courses" list. I want ...
Steve Nelson commented,
I agree 1000%. To be fair, I requested this same thing 4-5 years ago and they have added considerably more activities. However I would still like EVEN MORE!Also, they had a whole nursing curriculu...
Steve Nelson created a post,
Clickable links on Assignments page
On the teacher view of student assignments I would like to request that you make the assignments clickable. Trying to view their assignments is currently a pain. I have to copy and paste the name o...
Steve Nelson commented,
No Kailee, an answer was never given for this
Steve Nelson commented,
Usually that occurs if it is a video or an article. There are icons next to the assignments. Only the stars will have "attempts". Or does it have a star? If that's the case, can you send a screenshot?
Steve Nelson commented,
Sara, yes I filled out that form (at least i think it's the same form). Kaylie, I agree 1000%. As of right now there is no way to add it to the "edit courses" in the teacher side. That's setup by K...
Steve Nelson commented,
Anytime. If you still struggle to figure out, just post question here and I'll walk you through it.
Steve Nelson commented,
Fair enough. I think I know what you're talking about and I have submitted a feature request for it. There are two ways to assign work. The first is through the teacher/coach method. In this interf...
Steve Nelson commented,
Wait, I'm confused. You can bulk edit the start/due dates. I used it today. If you go the Teacher view, then assignments, then manage, then edit dates, you can change them there. You can also bulk ...
Steve Nelson commented,
Good for you! I LOVE your optimism. You are 100% right. If you are relentless you can do anything in 3 years! Do it!
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