Pauline Taylor
What is the difference between Single variable calculus and AP calculus?
PlannedI was going to do single variable calculus after ap calculus but what is the difference?
About logarithmic maths
I see some videos on e to the x and some practices on that but there only a small amount and no practices on algebraic forms of ln like 4ln8 and ln4+ln8 sums could you add some to algebra section? ...
Vectors in precalculus
Answeredwhy are there vectors in pre calculus section?
reading theory based books before or after taking calculus?
AnsweredI have theory books one under the basic algebra section on free books center.com non calculus based and im not sure wethere to read the theory books before or after calculus. I am from uk and self ...
about logarithms
AnsweredIs there anywhere on Khan academy that will teach me natural logs like ln something and e to the x?
Some content requests
I have a slight tremor that runs through my whole body I find usually when I draw or write or something using the scratchpad, do you think we could use some text base and line or shape type? I use ...
About probability and statistics on Khan academy.
AnsweredWould I need a lot of calculus while doing Statistics and Probability?
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