Pauline Taylor
Pauline Taylor commented,
ss social studies one of my fav subject in hightschool i used to write hightschool paper.
Pauline Taylor created a post,
What is the difference between Single variable calculus and AP calculus?
PlannedI was going to do single variable calculus after ap calculus but what is the difference?
Pauline Taylor commented,
Well my contry doesn’t take yet ap exams but on Edx and Alison certified training can give me depromas, ap exams and certificates so right now I’m aiming to get the best scores I can, so I’ll need ...
Pauline Taylor commented,
Well I am 38yr old hopping to get back to college soon, and working to get night scores on my upcoming exams because there others places I can take them, and this site brought my faith back in lear...
Pauline Taylor commented,
Same here madison page
Pauline Taylor commented,
So you mean Ayesha miss the matrices and vectors on pre calculus section, then go back to it after iv learned calculus and vector calculus? I just love maths thanks to Khan academy helping me put f...
Pauline Taylor created a post,
Vectors in precalculus
Answeredwhy are there vectors in pre calculus section?
Pauline Taylor commented,
Good luck wind wherever you are in the globe.
Pauline Taylor created a post,
About logarithmic maths
I see some videos on e to the x and some practices on that but there only a small amount and no practices on algebraic forms of ln like 4ln8 and ln4+ln8 sums could you add some to algebra section? ...
Pauline Taylor commented,
Yes your right syesha I have the math equiverent of a 11th grade, I am way into maths than i ever was thanks to khanacademy giveing me faith back in it, I have noticed there a books on freemathbook...
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