Joline Pettit
Joline Pettit commented,
Nicole, How do you enter student scores for Khan? I have never seen this before and would greatly help guide our Math teachers in our district! For Grammar, there really isn't any leveled tasks, bu...
Joline Pettit commented,
Hi! I grade homework on Khan Academy, but only take the highest grade. I allow students to complete the assignments as many times as needed, but note in the gradebook the number of attempts and tim...
Joline Pettit created a post,
OHQ- Ambassador and Support Advocate Tags
I notice some users have a tag next to their name "Ambassador" and "Support Advocate." I am both, but don't have the tag by my name. Just wondering..
Joline Pettit commented,
Hi Amy! I normally give the grade the student gets on an assignment and quiz. However, they are allowed to do assignments as many times as need (practice) to master the skill. I take the highest ...
Joline Pettit commented,
OHQ: Where will be hosting Office Hours from?
Joline Pettit commented,
I am so glad to hear you are using KA for a study guide purpose. I agree with you that KA is a great review tool/study guide if not used daily in the classroom for assessment.
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