Planning to apply to UCLA in Fall of 2019 and major in Psychology. Digital/traditional artist, self-taught pianist and professional sleeper. Also I love Tom Holland.
Avenoir commented,
In regards to learning languages, and this is my response to another post regarding their desire for language courses, I just don't think foreign language is something KA could implement. This is c...
Avenoir commented,
I'm going to be a high school senior this upcoming fall, and I plan to major in Psychology, and I would love for KA to integrate a psychology/sociology section as well as a philosophy section! I 10...
Avenoir commented,
I agree with KA branching out to subjects such as Philosophy as well as Sociology/Psychology or Neuroscience but in regards to learning languages, and this is my response to another post regarding...
Avenoir commented,
I hope so too, and this doesn't have to be exclusively focused on Mathematics, if KA could do this for all subjects it would be fantastic.
Avenoir commented,
I see this request a lot in the forums, and while I like learning languages myself, I just don't think foreign language is something KA could implement. This is coming from someone who is already m...
Avenoir created a post,
I think it would be beneficial for users to have access to some sort of mathematical dictionary that contains all the math terms that they encounter on Khan Academy
Hi guys, I think it would be beneficial for users to have access to some sort of mathematical dictionary that contains all the math terms that they encounter on Khan Academy. It would be great caus...
Avenoir commented,
well at my school everyone wants the Spanish teacher fired, so it's different for everyone :/
Avenoir commented,
Hi nwee, I'm going into my senior year this August (I feel old...) I don't recall much about my experience taking the Placement Test, however. Khan Academy already has a bunch of math courses at ...
Avenoir commented,
I think if Khan Academy were to follow through with this, they should start with the more commonly spoken languages, such as Spanish or Mandarin, y'know languages they offer at school but the teach...
Avenoir created a post,
Night Mode Feature
I always find myself on Khan Academy during the evening doing the final bits of homework or cramming for an exam the morning after. Usually it's dimly lit in my room so I'm not disrupting family me...
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