One pair of intersecting tangent lines (one point, e g 300,60) can be common to many circles. Two pair of intersecting tangent lines (two points, e g 300,60, and 270,30) specify one, and only one,...
To clarify: For circles 'below' the intersection, the point of intersection is named (300,60); for circles 'above' the intersection the point of intersection is named (120,240). Two names for th...
Consider the point (300.60) which names the intersection of two tangents of a circle drawn at 300 degrees and 60 degrees of the circle. Now, extend these tangent lines in both directions. Any (ev...
Yes, to your suggestions. I think we're on the same page. As to specifying the radius of the circle, mightn't it be a "unit" circle, in the same way that a square in the Cartesian plane is a 'uni...
This is an edited version of my post above that more clearly expresses what I was trying to get at: Any point outside a circle may be specified, or named, by reference to the two tangent lines draw...
Thank you so much. This very helpful. A vector together with a distance and the intersection of two tangents are two ways of naming the same point. Perhaps they are both polar coordinates. I'll...
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